Walking into the future Blind
Photography by Steven Maybury
For the opening of the Dolf Henkes Prijs 2023 group exhibition at Tent Rotterdam, I created a concise lecture-performance called "Walking into the future blind". Its primary purpose was to offer insights into the artistic intentions behind the works on display and share my personal journey of becoming an artist. This lecture-performance combines storytelling, music, animations, and dance.
Throughout this performance, I weaved stories about my artistic practice and intentions, shedding light on my life, family, peers, and candidly addressing societal and personal challenges I've encountered. This lecture, in particular, tackled Dutch racism and Dutch society's reluctance to acknowledge it, among other issues.
My performances serve as an inauguration of my artworks in the shows, an opportunity to introduce myself to the audience, a bridge connecting my world to a "wider public", and a means for me to personally reflect on what matters most at that moment.
My approach is a continuation of the ancient Southeast Asian/Khmer tradition, spanning over 2000 years, where artworks are consecrated. It's reminiscent of the consecration of Buddhist iconography and the ritual of paying respects to ancestors before embarking on Khmer theater performances. When I step onto the stage, I convey my deep spiritual gratitude to all those who have supported me throughout my personal and artistic journey, even those from generations before mine.
"Walking into the future blind" is part of a lecture-performance series I started developing in mid-2022, as a way to showcase my writing and performance. I rewrite my performances for each occasion, employing different dramatic elements (dance, dj, objects) depending on my anticipation of audience(s) present and the capability of the venue in their ability to support me.
Previous installments (12 editions in total) include" Where is my Karaoke?" at Melly, "My family, my heart" at Greylight Projects, "A Broken Heart for a Soulful Lament" at the Willem de Kooning Research Awards, deSingel and Framer Framed, "Arkon Nas, Jogja" at the Cemeti Institute for Art and Society, "Your Heart is a Window to Another World" at Ufer Studios, Berlin (see video below), and "Your Heart is a Window to Another World" at de Balie (see video below).
The dance element was developed by Mila Rosinta from Mila Dance School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Mila took inspiration from the engravings of Borobudur, the world's largest Buddhist site, as well as Khmer, Javanese and Sufi dancing.
If interested, you can read the transcript for the TENT performance here.
You can also view the video documentation here (shot by Settia Tin). A better documented performance can be seen below.
A full length version of the lecture-performance series was held in Berlin as part of Wandering Salon, curated by Unthaitled and Soydivision. This lecture-performance was called "Your Heart is a Window to Another World" and was performed on 8 October 2023. Please click the video above to view it.

Photo by Chonchanok Sattayatham

The latest iteration of the performance series was performed at de Balie in Amsterdam. Please click here to view the livestream of the event.